Terms of Service

CE Services Group B.V., haar vestigingen en business units, hierna te noemen ‘CESG’, is een Nederlandse onderneming, gevestigd te Heliotroopring 100, 3316 KG Dordrecht, Nederland en geregistreerd onder KvK nr. 58336613.

1. Definitions

In these Terms of Service, as well as in its correspondence and information provision at the time of the Services provided, CESG uses specific terminology. For the exact meaning, definition or understanding of this terminology, please refer to the Glossary below:



At home service The service is performed at an external location: either at the Customer's home or at a business location (for B2B Customers).
Proof of purchase A (copy of the) original invoice or receipt from a Dealer, on the basis of which it is determined whether the Product is still under warranty.
Depreciation Depreciation of the Product.
B2B Client Business Customer.
Brown goods Collective name for sound and image electronics.
Leniency Full or partial compensation given by the Manufacturer as compensation.
Credit(s) The purchase price of the Product is (partially) refunded to the Customer by the Dealer. The Dealer receives a credit note from the Manufacturer.
Reseller Reseller where the Product was purchased.
Diagnosis Determination of the cause of the Complaint.
Service(s) Verzamelnaam voor alle werkzaamheden die door CESG t.b.v. het Product op enig moment, en naar gelang de onderhavige Serviceopdracht enkel of in combinatie of achtereenvolgens, worden uitgevoerd zoals: o.a. reparatie, onderzoek, diagnosestelling, vervoer, opslag, (her-) verpakking, reiniging, grading, sortering, ontmanteling, vernietiging, verwerking, modificatie, software inladen, omruiling, etc.
Service provider Executor of a Service or Services.
DOA This abbreviation stands for "Dead On Arrival" and is a collective term for defects in the Product that appear immediately after purchase. The DOA terms and conditions may differ per Brand and Dealer.
Manufacturer Producer of the Product, or an agent/importer thereof.
Warranty Manufacturer's warranty on the Product, or additional warranty insurance/certificate. The validity of the warranty on a Product is determined on the basis of the date of purchase on the sales receipt or warranty certificate. To qualify for warranty service, a copy of these documents must always be provided.
Complaint A problem/defect/malfunction in a Product.
Customer Owner of the Product.
Brand Brand name of the Product.
Model number Type number of the Product.
NFF No Fault Found = No Deviation Found.
This term is used if during the Investigation the stated Complaint is not found/cannot be reproduced.
Exchange The (defective) Product will be exchanged for an equivalent Product after approval by and on behalf of the Manufacturer.
Components Components or parts to be replaced in the Product.
Research Verrichtingen om de oorzaak van het defect/ de storing vast te stellen.

Bij on-site reparaties (reparaties bij u thuis/op locatie) van witgoed apparatuur (wasmachines koelkasten e.d.) of groot beeldformaat tv’s, geschiedt het stellen van de diagnose meestal op afstand op basis van kennis en kunde en d.m.v. de klachtomschrijving, telefonisch contact en mogelijk foto of videobeelden en/of een geluidsopname.

Bij werkplaats reparaties (klein formaat tv’s, audioapparatuur of klein-huishoudelijk apparatuur) geschiedt het stellen van de diagnose d.m.v. fysiek onderzoek in de werkplaats.
Quote A cost statement/quote for the Services to be provided by CESG.
Product Electrical device that is offered to CESG for service purposes.
Repair Carrying out all necessary repair work on a Product to resolve the specified Complaint. This includes but is not limited to activities such as replacing/exchanging parts or accessories, (re-)soldering, cleaning, adjustments/installation of software, etc.
RMA request An application to the Manufacturer for an Exchange or a Credit.
Serial number Unique identification of the Product, which in combination with the Model number determines the allocation of spare parts.
Service order Order for the provision of services, which is provided to CESG by the Client/on behalf of the Client.
Carrier Transport service that is used for the transport of the Product.
Call-out charges When CESG provides service at home, our mechanic/driver drives a service bus to a pre-specified address. The costs that fall under this include, for example, travel time, car costs, inventory of the service bus, etc.
Workshop A CESG equipped and equipped location for repairs.
White goods Collective name for electrical small and large household equipment.

2. Applicability

  1. The Terms of Service apply in all cases where CESG acts as a Service Provider and/or provides Services and/or performs Services.
  2. Een door CESG aangenomen opdracht betreft een overeenkomst van aanneming van werk in overeenstemming met art. 7:750 van het BW.
  3. In het geval een Product van een Klant door tussenkomst van een derde partij – bijvoorbeeld de Dealer of de Fabrikant – bij CESG voor dienstverlening wordt aangeboden, dan geldt binnen deze Servicevoorwaarden dat de Klant de opdrachtgever voor de door CESG te verlenen Dienst is. CESG is niet verantwoordelijk voor communicatie tussen de Klant en derden.
  4. Zodra de Klant akkoord gaat met – dan wel gebruik maakt of blijft maken van – de Dienstverlening door CESG, hetzij door het aanbieden van een Product t.b.v. een reparatie, hetzij door het maken van een bezoekafspraak voor een dienstverlening aan huis/op locatie, dan wel enige andere vorm van Dienstverlening van CESG afneemt, verklaart de Klant zich tevens akkoord met deze Servicevoorwaarden.
  5. CESG makes every effort to inform the Customer about and refer to these Terms of Service in a timely and regular manner.
  6. The Terms of Service apply to the entire Service by CESG, including additional or follow-up services, to which CESG is a party.
  7. Deviations and/or additions to the Terms of Service are only legally valid if agreed and recorded in writing between CESG and the Customer and only apply to the Service to the Product for which the deviating terms and conditions have been agreed.

3. Complaint description

  1. When performing a Repair, the Product, Model Number, Serial Number, Proof of Purchase and the description of the Complaint, as provided to CESG when the order was placed, will be used as applicable.
  2. Before a Repair is carried out (insofar as possible and if necessary) CESG will conduct an Investigation (by telephone) into the probable cause of the described Complaint. If the Complaint is not found or if it appears that the Complaint is caused by a factor that cannot be attributed to the Product, and/or for whatever reason does not fall within the Manufacturer's Warranty Conditions, or if another Service is requested/needed costs will be charged, as described in Articles 4 and 5. 

4. Rates and Costs

  1. If no appropriately correct Proof of Purchase has been submitted to CESG, or if the date of purchase cannot be conclusively demonstrated in any other way (such at the discretion of CESG and acceptance of the Manufacturer), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Manufacturer/ Dealer/Customer has agreed with CESG, no right to free handling. In this case, unless Dutch law provides otherwise, costs to be paid by the Customer are always due. The same applies to all situations in which the costs of the Service provided by CESG cannot be claimed by CESG from the Manufacturer. If the Customer has not received a written quotation from CESG, CESG hereby refers the Customer in advance to the minimum applicable costs as stated on the Rates page .
  2. If a repair or other necessary Service is performed within the manufacturer's warranty period and the manufacturer's warranty conditions apply, it will only be free of charge if a valid Proof of Purchase has been provided to CESG in advance. If a valid Proof of Purchase is not provided to CESG before the start of the Service, the full costs of the Service, as described in Articles 4 and 5, will be charged to the Customer.
  3. In order to possibly be able to claim a possible Goodwill arrangement or to be eligible for an allowance for costs from a Manufacturer (outside the statutory warranty period), a valid proof of purchase must also be provided to CESG at all times. If this is not in the possession of CESG before the start of the Service, the full costs will be charged and CESG reserves the right not to submit a request for Goodwill to the Manufacturer.
  4. De kosten van een Reparatie of Dienstverlening buiten de garantieperiode worden vastgesteld op basis van het aantal arbeidsuren, de voorrijkosten, de ophaal- en/of terugbezorgkosten, de onderzoekskosten, de kosten van de benodigde onderdelen en materialen, de administratiekosten, de behandelingskosten en de eventuele kosten gemaakt door derden. De van toepassing zijnde kosten worden door CESG op een Prijsopgave gespecificeerd, alles inclusief BTW. Indien van toepassing wordt bij een eventuele Coulanceregeling (afhankelijk van de Fabrikant) de tegemoetkoming vanuit de Fabrikant op de kosten in mindering gebracht en separaat op de Prijsopgave vermeld. Coulance tarieven kunnen per Fabrikant verschillen en zijn uitsluitend voorbehouden aan de Fabrikant. CESG heeft hier geen enkele invloed op.
  5. CESG behoudt zich het recht om voor producten die niet onder de CESG-dienstverlening vallen c.q. onterecht aan CESG worden toegezonden behandelingskosten en retourverzendkosten in rekening te brengen.
  6. Research costs are always charged and must always be paid (and in most cases in advance). The costs paid in advance will be deducted from the total amount still to be paid after the work has actually been performed in accordance with the Quotation.
  7. The actual Tariffs can be found on the CE Repair Services website. 

5. Quotes and Inquiries

  1. If, either upon registration, during an inspection in the workshop or during a home visit, it is determined by CESG that the reported Complaint falls outside the Manufacturer's Warranty, or if the Manufacturer's Warranty Period on the Product to be repaired has expired, CESG will provide the Customer with a provide specified (written) Quotation as accurately as possible. This statement concerns the total costs of the Service(s) to be provided, insofar as applicable, in accordance with Article 4.
  2. In the event that CESG is on location at the Customer's location for the requested Services and it is determined that no Warranty applies here, CESG will provide an oral quotation as far as possible. If CESG is able to carry out the required work immediately and the Client gives CESG the opportunity to do so, this will be regarded and treated as an agreement by the Client for the Quotation, the execution of the work, the costs owed for this, as well as these Terms of Service.
  3. Quotations are valid for fourteen (14) calendar days. The period of validity is stated on the Quotation. If the Customer does not respond within the stipulated period (makes a choice known), the Quotation will automatically expire.
  4. Quotations are without obligation and can be revoked by CESG within ten (10) working days after acceptance by the Customer, without stating reasons and without CESG being required to pay costs, unless expressly agreed otherwise digitally and/or in writing.
  5. The Customer must make the choice/reaction to the Quotation known on the CESG website, using the link made available for this in the Quotation. If the Customer does not communicate its response through this designated channel, CESG reserves the right to consider the response as not received.
  6. By responding to the Quotation (regardless of how this is done and regardless of the choice made by the Customer), the Customer also agrees in all cases to the CESG Terms of Service.

6. RMA: Exchanges and Credits

  1. If, within the Warranty Period, the Product submitted for Repair cannot be repaired for technical or economic reasons, CESG will inform both the Customer and the Manufacturer and submit an RMA request. In such a case, the Customer will receive, either from CESG or from the Manufacturer, a proposal for Exchange of the defective Product, (whether or not with an additional payment), or in a very exceptional case, a (partial or full) Credit.
  2. If the Customer accepts the RMA proposal, the Customer waives the defective Product and thereby authorizes CESG to provide it to the Manufacturer, without a right of return, or to dispose of it on the basis of the environmental legislation applicable in the Netherlands. , to destroy.
  3. In the case of an Exchange of a Product, with or without additional payment, CESG acts as an intermediary and thereby performs the requested services on behalf of the Manufacturer or the Dealer. CESG is not the Manufacturer or Dealer of the replacement Product and assumes no liability in connection therewith.
  4. In the event of an RMA request out of warranty, the Customer shall at all times and irrespective of the further handling of the RMA request owe costs to CESG for the work performed by CESG. These costs depend on the nature of the work performed and include, among other things, research costs, handling costs, call-out costs (if CESG has been at the Customer's location or transport costs (if CESG has taken care of the transport of the Product). This also applies if the Manufacturer Courtesy has been granted.
  5. The Customer owes CESG costs at all times for drawing up a Quotation, for example in the event of damage caused by external causes or, for example, for drawing up a 'total loss' statement. These costs must be paid in advance. The current and applicable costs are indicated on our website under Tariffs.

7. Permission

  1. If upon Investigation it appears that the price of the service to be provided will be higher than the cost estimate, as stated on the Quotation, the Customer will be asked whether it would like to have the Product repaired for the higher price and the repair will only take place after the express permission of the customer.
  2. If CESG is able to immediately perform the Service/Repair, whereby the Customer gives CESG the opportunity to do so, this will be regarded and treated as an agreement by the Customer for the performance as well as for the costs.
  3. If upon Investigation it appears that the price of the service to be provided will be higher than the cost estimate, as stated on the Quotation, the Customer will be asked whether it would like to have the Product repaired for the higher price and the repair will only take place after the express permission of the customer.
  4. The Customer may, however, waive further Services by CESG and pay research costs and order handling costs, as stated on the website and/or the Quotation, as well as any Call-out Charges if it concerns an on-site Service or shipping costs (if applicable) if the Services are provided in includes a workshop. CESG will then make the Product available to the Customer again in the condition in which it received the Product.
  5. In the event that a Product offered to CESG cannot be repaired outside the Warranty Period for technical or economic reasons, CESG will inform the Customer about this. If the Customer indicates that he/she does not wish to receive the Product back, he/she confirms, when agreeing to the CESG Terms of Service, that CESG has permission to destroy the Product in accordance with the environmental legislation applicable in the Netherlands and the costs to be incurred for this.(see Tariffs) to charge.
  6. In all cases, CESG reserves the right to discontinue the Service if a Product is offered seriously contaminated. The costs incurred and/or to be incurred by CESG will be charged to the Customer. 

8. Repair time

  1. If the Service must be performed by third parties, or (the failure to deliver) parts by third parties makes the Service impossible within the specified time, the Customer will be informed of this and will not be able to keep this CESG within the specified completion time. 

9. Quality

  1. When carrying out a Repair, only original parts are used, unless otherwise agreed and permitted by the Manufacturer, or alternative parts can be used if this is customary with regard to the Product in question. If the Customer so requests in advance and explicitly, CESG will make the replaced parts available to the Customer (in the case of an out-of-warranty repair), with the exception of situations in which parts are claimed by the Manufacturer (for example as a result of leniency).
  2. CESG is not the Manufacturer of the Product nor of the replaced parts and accepts no liability in this regard.
  3. A Repair will be carried out in such a way that the Product then fully complies with the legal safety regulations. 
  4. After the Services have been performed, the Customer will receive a brief description of the work performed and, where applicable, replaced parts.

10. Transport

  1. CESG biedt, t.b.v. het toesturen of ophalen van Producten, de optie om dit via een externe pakketvervoersdienst (veelal PostNL) te doen. Het toesturen of laten ophalen van een Product valt niet onder de verantwoordelijkheid van CESG, deze verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de verzender en de desbetreffende vervoerder. Door akkoord te gaan met de CESG Servicevoorwaarden verleent de Klant/Dealer CESG de machtiging om het Product namens de Klant retour te verzenden via een door CESG geselecteerde externe dienstverlener.
  2. CESG will in all cases ensure that a Product to be returned is properly packaged, in order to limit the risk of transport damage as much as possible. If, in the opinion of CESG, this is insufficiently possible, CESG will inform the Customer about this and offer an alternative mode of transport. Any additional costs for an alternative mode of transport will be borne by the Customer.
  3. Bij het ophalen en/of retour ontvangen dient het Product door de ontvangende partij op compleetheid en uiterlijke schade te worden gecontroleerd. In geval van schade of incompleetheid dient dit direct per e-mail, voorzien van bewijs (foto), binnen uiterlijk 24 uur (na ontvangst) bij de afzender expliciet te worden gemeld.
  4. In het geval van onjuiste/onterechte toezending van een product is CESG gerechtigd de klant/toezender hiervoor handlingkosten, en indien van toepassing retourverzendkosten, in rekening te brengen. De van toepassing zijnde tarieven treft u aan op de website van CE Repair Services.

11. Liability

  1. If it appears that the Product offered is registered as stolen or missing or is an imitation, CESG will not process the Product. In this case, CESG will inform the appropriate authority and will act in accordance with the instructions of the relevant authority. Any costs incurred by CESG will be charged to the Customer.
  2. De maximale aansprakelijkheid van CESG is, uitsluitend bij een aan CESG verwijtbare vermissing van het Product of in het geval dat het Product door toedoen van CESG (onherstelbaar) beschadigd is, dan wel defect is geraakt, beperkt tot de dagwaarde van het betreffende Product met een maximum van € 500,-. De waardebepaling van een Product geschiedt op basis van toepassing van de Afschrijvingstabel (gemiddelde gebruiksduurverwachtingen) van Techniek Nederland. CESG is gerechtigd de Klant een vervangend Product te sturen i.p.v. een vergoeding uit te keren.
  3. CESG cannot under any circumstances be held liable for:
    1. Wijzigingen van toestel settings (apparaat instellingen) en/of verwijdering van (persoonlijke) data, foto’s, Apps, et cetera van Producten, welke bij CESG voor Dienstverlening worden aangeboden;
    2. Damage, of whatever nature, that arises because the Services of CESG are based on incorrect and/or incomplete data provided;
    3. Indirecte of gevolgschade die de Klant onverhoopt treft, als volg van door CESG verrichte of onverrichte diensten, tenzij deze schade het gevolg is van kwade opzet of bewuste roekeloosheid van CESG. Onder indirecte en gevolgschade wordt mede begrepen immateriële schade.
    4. The (ultimate) availability of parts. CESG is dependent on third parties for this.
  4. It may be necessary for CESG to cancel the scheduled appointment for various reasons. It may also happen that CESG is unable to successfully complete the Service/Repair, for whatever reason, on the planned date. CESG expressly and in advance accepts no liability for this and therefore does not compensate any costs. 

12. Data

  1. CESG reserves the right to return Products submitted for Repair/Inspection/Investigation to the original factory settings. This may result in data loss.
  2. Before the Product is offered, the Customer must remove (privacy) 'sensitive' data and/or information.
  3. If the stated under point 2 has not been done or is not possible, the Customer gives CESG permission, and the Customer expressly agrees, that CESG (possibly) takes cognizance of (privacy) sensitive data and/or information.  
  4. CESG reserves the right, if 'illegal' data is found or if there is a suspicion of illegal activity, to report this to the relevant legal authority(ies) and to act in accordance with the instructions of this authority(ies). 

13. Home repairs

  1. In the case of after-sales Services at home/on location, the space around the Product must be clean and sufficiently free to properly perform the Services.
  2. White goods, originally intended as a free-standing Product, and installed by third parties or the Customer as built-in or substructure equipment, must be vacated by third parties or the Customer prior to the visit for the provision of the Service.
  3. If these activities are to be carried out by CESG, the Customer must explicitly coordinate this in advance with the Planning department of CESG. The costs for this work are not covered by the regular warranty scheme and are stated on the CESG website. Payment must be made immediately upon arrival. CESG reserves the right not to accept an installation and/or removal order if the risk of possible damage is, in its view, unacceptably high.
  4. User errors and/or defects caused by the Customer and/or third parties, both within and outside the warranty period, are not covered by the Manufacturer's Warranty Conditions. The resulting costs are usually payable immediately at the visit, as indicated in sections 4 and 5 of these Terms of Service.
  5. If the Customer wishes to reschedule or cancel the visitation appointment within the Warranty Period, this is possible under the following conditions:
    1. Cancellation or rescheduling can be done free of charge up to 12:00 noon prior to the working day on which the appointment is scheduled;
    2. In the event of late cancellation or rescheduling (after 12:00 noon, prior to the working day on which the appointment is scheduled), CESG will charge a cancellation fee of 50% of the call-out rate;
    3. In the event that CESG visits the Customer and the Customer is not present on the agreed day and time, CESG will charge the Customer 100% of the call-out costs.
    4. If the Customer wishes to reschedule or cancel the visit appointment in the case of a service outside warranty after approval of a Quotation, this is possible, but not free of charge. The costs depend, among other things, on the time of cancellation/relocation and the costs that CESG has already incurred as a result of ordering the parts required for Repair.

14. Warranty on Service

  1. After completion of a Repair, CESG gives a three-month guarantee on the work performed (labour costs). This warranty period commences at the time of delivery of the Product to the Customer or on the day on which the service was provided at the Customer's location. No warranty is given on cleaning or maintenance, as well as on Repairs to Products with lightning, moisture or water damage, unless expressly stated otherwise on the repair report.
  2. If the same Complaints recur within three months after delivery of the repaired Product, CESG will make a Quotation for the new work to be performed. The following conditions apply:
    1. In the case of the same Complaints, only those parts that were not replaced during the previous Repair will be charged;
    2. If it appears that the cause of the Complaint is different from that of the previous Repair, the costs of the new Service will be charged in accordance with the new Quotation;
    3. The provisions of this article above do not apply insofar as the Customer can claim dissolution of the agreement in the event of a serious shortcoming in a previous Service by CESG;
    4. After the renewed Services, the warranty period of three months, as referred to above, starts again.
    5. The three-month guarantee that CESG offers on a Service provided by it, only concerns the work performed by it (labour). The parts used for the Repair and ordered from the Manufacturer are excluded from this. 

15. Uncollected Products

  1. CESG will inform the provider of the Product immediately after completion of the Investigation, Service and/or Repair that the Product can be collected or returned. If the Customer has failed to collect/take delivery of the Product for a period of three months, CESG is entitled to destroy the Product and the costs incurred by CESG for, among other things, Examination, Repair, treatment, storage and destruction, at the Customer's expense. to collect.
  2. The foregoing also applies in those cases in which the Customer has not (in time) made known a response/choice to a Quotation issued by CESG and the Product has been handed over to CESG.

16. Privacy Statement

  1. CESG fully complies with the General Data Processing Regulation (AVG) CESG needs personal data for the performance of service activities. Which data this concerns and how CESG handles this is described in its Privacy Statement.
  2. This Privacy Statement forms an integral part of CESG's Terms of Service and by placing the order for the Services (either directly or indirectly) the Customer agrees to this Privacy Statement. 

17. Force majeur

  1. CESG is not obliged to fulfill any obligation to the Customer if it is prevented from doing so as a result of circumstances that are not attributable to CESG, and which cannot be borne by CESG by virtue of the law, a legal act or generally accepted views.
  2. As long as the force majeure continues, CESG can suspend the obligations under these Conditions, up to a maximum of 2 months. Thereafter, both the Customer and CESG are entitled to cancel the Service, without any obligation to compensate the damage suffered by the other party. 
  3. CESG is not responsible for damage to the Product resulting from force majeure situations such as fire, flood, severe weather, earthquake, burglary, leakage and the like. 

18. Disputes and Applicable Law

  1. Dutch law shall apply to all disputes relating to these Terms of Service. Only a Dutch court is authorized to rule on these disputes.
  2. All other disputes will, contrary to the legal rules for the jurisdiction of the civil court, in case the court has jurisdiction, be settled by the court in the place of business or district of the entrepreneur. However, CESG remains authorized to summon the Customer before the competent court according to the law or the applicable international treaty.
  3. The Customer has the right for five weeks, after CESG has invoked the previous article, to opt for the dispute to be settled by the civil court that is competent according to the law or the applicable international treaty.
  4. For the other terms and conditions, regarding disputes and the handling, see the General Repair Conditions for Consumer Electronics of the umbrella trade organization Techniek Nederland (formerly UNETO-VNI) of which CESG is a member.

© CE Services Group, maart 2023

All texts in these Terms of Service are the property of CE Services Group. These may NOT be modified and/or used by third parties (in any form whatsoever).