Repair overview

40 years repair expertise The specialist in consumer electronics service Authorized for and by all known brands

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In verband met de GDPR-wetgeving zijn oude afgesloten opdrachten, die herleidbaar zijn tot individuele natuurlijke personen, niet meer inzichtelijk

Schedule visit date

First check your address and then choose one of the first options. After your choice you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with all relevant information.
As soon as we have completed the planning for the chosen date, the time window will be confirmed to you by e-mail.

Visiting address:


Bekijk onze service voorwaarden.

Do you have questions about the quotation? Please contact: +31 883 425 200

Schedule visit date

First check your address and then choose one of the first options. After your choice you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with all relevant information.
As soon as we have completed the planning for the chosen date, the time window will be confirmed to you by e-mail.

Visiting address:

Are the dates not convenient? Please contact: +31 883 425 222